Concepts that I can't do myself: Part #1 The Ending

So, during the game's ever-lasting hold. I thought of various ideas for how I can implement all the gameplay elements from the original It Steals.

So I went ahead and looked at the secret shovels that you can collect throughout all the different areas. And thought: "What if I connected these items to being what gives you a actual action-based ending?"

For those who don't know, at the end of the game's normal route. You get chased by her throughout a planned out chase area. Which leads to your death as you reach a dead end.

During this point, the game asks if you want to take things back. This will be really confusing for you unless if you looked at all the secrets that are shown throughout the game and know about the game's lore. [Which is something that I wont spoil.]

I thought of making it, where if you were to collect all those shovels throughout the 2nd, 3rd and 4th area. You end up unlocking a actual exit door that gets placed in the final chase.

This exit door would in-short, bring you back into your home where you belong.  

And with that said, you wake up in the protagonist's room. With a computer monitor that reads "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE END OF ME"

Which is a line that is said in the classic mode completion achievement of the original It Steals. (Thats if you played the steam version which contains all the 11 unique achievements you can get when playing.)

And at this point, you the player. Get 3 choices, each with their own consequences.

Choice one would be: To discard the external drive, which frees her soul and deletes the digital labyrinth. Freeing the Protagonist's constant fear, guilt and torment at the same time.

Choice two would be: To return to the digital labyrinth for one final action-based area with her .  

Which turns out to be a faithful recreation of the original Classic mode gameplay and area, with the twist being that instead of Legs hunting you down. Its her pursuing you with Leg's AI.

Which also gives you the goal of collecting all the set amount of orbs in the map. Which gives you a ending where you truly free her from the torment she and the protagonist got thrown into.

With choice 3 being to do absolutely nothing and wait until you get a change of heart. (The game would never close unless if you the player does so. The game would never have any progression until you make up your mind.

Anyways, thats just a big idea I had for one of the true endings of the game that I can't implement due to me being a absolute hoe. 

Get The Arrival

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