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real quick just wanted to apologize for my prior comment, this doesn't mean i forgive you or want to be your friend but i realized how shitty it was for me to say that and just want to say sorry for being a dick.


To MysteriousPoggers12:


Don't think I'm ignoring you for the sake of it.

I love everyone who shows gratitude to me, I thought wrong of Ash. She showed me wisdom and emitted positive energy.

WackyDude is always by my side no matter what.

I can never thank my best of friends enough for sticking with me for so long.

I don't know if you noticed since I silenced myself from you but.

I improved gradually ever since I cut ties with you.

I learned from my own words.

My game has a healing system and actual proper first person cutscenes all because I took patience as first priority.

I've studied all kinds of theories related to Unreal and learned how to optimize and polish my editor.

You gave up the second you saw what its like being me, but yet had the patience to master blender for 3-4 years.

The second I fucking pointed out the obvious that everyone else tried to reason you with. You straight up got pissed.

All my grades in my school became better, and I became friends irl with this queer person who is amazing and gives me positive mindsets.

This is because I lost that negative energy.

When I was "friends" with you, I was on edge 24/7. I kept thinking you were cutting yourself, consuming stuff I can't mention, etc.

It became so scary that I had to call the hotlines on you.

Do you have any idea how fucking scared I was for your life? Do you?

I care about your life and mindset more than our so called "Friendship".

After a fucking week of scaring me to death, you magically come up unscathed!

And then the cycle continues. Again, and again and again

You never improved until I cut ties with you myself.

Consider this a fucking blessing.

Don't ever show your negative energy towards me ever again.

Dolly is happy to see everyone improve from their situations much like yours.

you can remove me from the credits if you want, since we aren't really friends anymore.

best game of 2024...

Deleted 27 days ago

I love your stuff more + Mary Maggie

love the atmosphere

This is so well made! plus i love the lore and art style!

Thx Bestie :3

i am mentally insane

this was made by a mentally ill man