The Balance Update

Hi all, this is one of the most complex updates I've done to Concrete Wail

In this update, you can now hold your breath! When doing so, you can see Orbs through walls regardless of Distance.

The only downside being that you cannot move in any given way until you let go of your breath.

To make gameplay much more interesting, you are on a 9 minute time limit. Upon exceeding that 9 minute deadline, a Entity known as "Stitch" will rise on your screen until it initiates a Jumpscare that instantly kills you

To make the game more user friendly, Jumpscares don't close your game. But instead fade out and load in the previous checkpoint. This being the area you were in before stepping into the labyrinth.

This applies to all enemies, including previously existing ones.

3 Changes I had done, is change the Jumpscare sounds with louder ones.  And upon clicking yes when given the prompt in the 1st area, the game fades out.

And lastly, I removed the weird green lines that appear everytime a Monster is active. It was very confusing and gave players too much of an advantage as to where a enemy is currently.


Concrete Wail v1.0.9-Pre.rar 166 MB
1 day ago

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